Collection: Quail Meat


Quail meat does not only have a delicate taste and is flavourful but is also a high valuable dietary option and of course, rated as being “a complete food”, meaning it has superior nutritional values.

Even though quail is a small bird, the protein, vitamin and amino acids ratio to bird size is very high. The meat is lean, tender and has a low fat content compared to chicken meat and very easy to digest This makes it an ideal alternative meat for children, the elderly, those that go through a recovery period and not least, for those who want to lose weight.

Quail meat doesn’t just have a delicate taste but also has a delicate flesh and bones. When you cook quail please keep in mind that it has lots of flavour and you don’t need to enhance the flavour the way you do when cooking chicken. You can still use spices and herbs but be careful not to overpower the flavour. Also you need to keep in mind that you need to cook the meat for less time.

Because quail bones are also delicate and tender, they can be eaten as well, depending on how the quail has been cooked. Quail meat can be grilled, roasted, deep fiend, confit or cooked in soups or stews. You can also cook it slow and for longer when you want to make broth and you want the meat to fall of the bones.

A good reason to cook it slow and for longer is when you want to give it to babies, toddlers or young children that can’t or don’t know how to chewy. It will also be highly appreciate it by older folks who can’t chew or don't have good teeth. Some of the bones are quite small and hard to see and for this reason we highly recommend to put the cooked quail and broth through a blander when making soup.

Therefore quail meat is not just a delicacy food. If you are serious about being into eating and also serving healthy meals to your family, we highly recommend you to add it to your family diet! Don’t be afraid to cook quails. Grab some quails, cook them just as you want and enjoy! 

Quail meat price.

Our price for quail meat is $5.60 (incl. GST) per 100g.  Therefore, a quail carcass of 180g would be $10.08.